“I can’t contain my excitement and needed to share: I hired Jeanette 2 weeks ago to help me with my Manifesto and I am truly blown away. She has the unique ability to see through your words and grab your true essence, enabling your greatness and soul to shine on paper. Not only is my Manifesto half way done, we also now have the layout for my opt-in, copy to call in my tribe, 50+ topics for blog posts and the draft of my 1st course. Jeanette’s skills go way beyond copy. She is a magical combination of artisan, illuminator, strategist and word muse.If you desire to work with someone that can dig deep into your true essence and bring it forth on paper, look no further!”

Amy Gavartin
Spoken Word Artist

“Jeanette’s writing is deep, true, passionate. Beautiful. With a fierceness and cracked openness….”

Brian Andreas

“I found Jeanette somehow magically online through a piece she had written called, “You’re not too much.” It gave me chills. Then I followed the link to her site and found that she helps women write their manifestos. I had been trying to give birth to my manifesto for years. I had tried programs of all kinds and none of them led me to my truth. So I called Jeanette and instantly felt seen, heard and so deeply supported. I had to work with her. In just under 2 weeks, I had not only a Manifesto, but an Invocation and a Call to Arms to help ignite women all over the world. What Jeanette does is genius. She has you fill out the most powerful workbook of questions (wine and good music are required). Then she pours over everything you’ve ever written. Then she pulls out the gold and gives it back to you. You keep whatever gives you goosebumps and then with a final touch of magic, she produces your truth. The most amazing piece is this: she put my words together, not hers, in a way that everyone who hears them is brought to tears. I wrote it, but I couldn’t, could not, have done it without her. You need a mirror. Someone who makes you feel safe enough to stop editing yourself and really speak your truth, fearlessly. She gave me the space to really be me. No one out there does this like Jeanette. Everyone should be lucky enough to have her as their mirror.”

“Working with Jeanette LeBlanc is deceptively simple. She shows up exactly when you need her, with the exact medicine to make everything move smoother, but with the energy of a sister or friend (no rush, only trust). It’s heaven. With Jeanette’s help, in three weeks time we did more than just successfully fund a $10,000 Kickstarter. We doubled my target audience, branded my content, created multiple stand-alone creations, and put more out into the world than I ever would’ve been willing or capable of on my own. If you’ve got something good and you’re ready to get it out there, there’s no one I’d recommend more highly than Jeanette. Muse. Producer. Boss lady. Magic. “

“Jeanette has one of the most compassionate voices I’ve heard, so fully tender, and lit with gratitude.”

Andrea Gibson
Spoken Word Artist

“Jeanette is a modern day prophet and an experienced word alchemist. She knows too well how to transform words into worlds and at the same time, walk you through the fire of your own artistic manifestation. Her writing is therapy. Her art is healing. Just when you think it’s all been said and done, her brave, BS-proof and vulnerable love affair with language, opens new doors in your perception. Most importantly, she has the extraordinary courage to stand up and demand the kind of life she firmly believes in, and in this process of rising and falling and rising again, look you in the eyes and empower you to reach for yours. “

“Jeanette LeBlanc bares it all – her insides, her talent, her genuine desire to hear you and help unleash everything you’ve got. The way she facilitates that digging will nourish you forever. She treats her work as all areas of life should be treated – as a living, breathing, stirring within. She has immense respect for process, for people, for the power words have to heal. She’ll unleash everything within you, and she’ll be there to help you sort through whatever comes out.”

“Jeanette takes everything you think you know about writing or you think you ought to know about writing and she flips it on its neat, perfect and boring little ass and proves you wrong in all the best ways. She shows you how writing your heart out is like flying to the moon and falling in love for the first time. Mostly she gives you all the permission you will ever need to do it completely and soulfully your way because your voice is what the world craves, I have only been working with her for a heartbeat and my internal musings sound like poetry and my writing comes in the middle of the night and the heart feels seen by the way I have begun. She is all sass and style, like no one I have met.”

“this has rocked me to my core. somewhere in this scattered mess of paper and ink, somewhere in between the questions and the scribbling, i found me on fire ~ blazing. and i found me laying face down in the mud. i found me making daisy chains and wild sweet love. i found me dancing, laughing, beaten, bruised and bloody. i found me strong and whole and beautifully crazy ~ crazy free. somewhere in this, i found me.”

“A course in writing from Jeanette is like staring yourself in the mirror all the way through to your own heart. The genius of her craft is how it calls us to connect with others by connecting deeply with ourselves. She is Ockham’s razor for the soul in leather boots and a miniskirt – prepare to be gutted. Brave, uncompromising, suffused with feminine wisdom – this is writing on the cutting edge of what it means to be alive.”

Krista Fretwell Roscoe

Jeanette Leblanc’s stage presence is not just magnetic, it’s magnetizing. Her words charged us, made us feel like we were more than flesh and thoughts and feelings. She spoke to our spirits. We became a little more ourselves under her influence.

Jane Skylark Ysadora
Live Deeply

“Jeanette has a way with words that helps you remember what it means to be alive. Sitting there, around the eternal s’more flame pit at Brand Camp, she welcomed us all into a state of presence, wrapped us up in love, and opened our hearts wide…all with some beautiful words. Words that came straight from her soul, gently + fiercely delivered right into ours.”

Jeanette makes me want to stay up all night, creating until my fingers bleed and my heart’s open, raw and howling. She channels my creative fangs and soulful cackle. When I read her poetry and prose, my entire body trembles. She elevates. She delivers. She ignites. She uninhibits. She raises my bar every-single-time and she reminds me of the beautiful army of creative love warriors that I’m standing amongst. Jeanette has written some of the most rivetting, popular content for Rebelle Society and I could not be more honored or grateful to share her gifts and talents with the world.

Tanya Lee Markul
Co-Founder & Editor-In-Chief, Rebelle Society
Thug Unicorn | YogaWriteNow.org


Are you ready for prose, poetry, and badass creative inspiration?
I'll email weekly(ish) with words of creativity love uncommon sense. 

I swear like a sailor, I've been called a word-witch (more than once), I believe whole-heartedly in the power of your voice,  and think words are as necessary as air. I work with humans who are seeking permission to stop seeking permission and offer programs that will get living and writing on your own terms (for reals). 

You know you want this.