Dear you. I know you. I know you wear your heart on your sleeve. I know that heart is pieced together from soft driftwood and tattered suitcases and old skeleton keys and the shards of pottery you’ve tucked in your pockets from all the things you’ve seen break along your …
Unlock it, Poet {our stories are where the revolution begins}
Look at you, beauty Sitting so quietly I see you there The way the light hits your face The way the wind filters through your hair How the curve of your neck is the definition of grace How your story lingers just beneath the surface. I know you have things …
The Truth Of A Woman Like Me
“So yes I know how angry, or naive, or self-destructive, or messed up, or even deluded I sound weaving my way through these life stories at times. But beautiful things. Graceful things. Hopeful things can sometimes appear in dark places. Besides, I’m trying to tell you the truth of a …
broken || open {a love letter for the broken-hearted}
Make no mistake, love; this has been the losing time. The time of grasping tight and trying hard and still, in the end, being forced to let go. Of fingers locked tight and pried stiff from that which you’d hoped to hold for so very long. It’s been the falling …
115 ways to heal your own broken heart.
buy a lavender plant. fall asleep with sprigs of it on your chest. breathe it deeply, all the way inside. back to the mat, no exceptions. fall asleep in savasana. cry in pigeon. laugh out loud in happy baby. mascara and groomed brows, always. red lipstick when you need it …
a treatise of touch
come here. come closer. feel my breath? good. do not look away right now you are mine right now i am lifting hair from neck running my finger gently there. across the line of clavicle. down curve of rib following concave of waist coming to rest on the hard of …
Blessed Be
Blessed be your longing. Your endless ache. Your sharp crystal shatter. Your sea glass heart. Blessed be the long, slow slide into desire. The swift plunging wound to the heart. The bleeding out onto the kitchen floor. Blessed be the fierce of want and the howl of despair and the …
You’ve Got To Claim Your Right To Rapture
This is your time. Yes it is. Right now. This day. This moment. This now. All yours. You don’t have to wait. It doesn’t have to be perfect. You don’t always have to finish what you started in order to begin something new. And there is no more room for …