this is an ode to the broken-hearted. for those early days when the ground is unsteady and you are still measuring your worth by their absence instead of the staggering truth of your own presence. this is a poem to hold you until you are steady enough to hold yourself. …
115 ways to heal your own broken heart.
buy a lavender plant. fall asleep with sprigs of it on your chest. breathe it deeply, all the way inside. back to the mat, no exceptions. fall asleep in savasana. cry in pigeon. laugh out loud in happy baby. mascara and groomed brows, always. red lipstick when you need it …
This is the way of things
{Click to listen while you read – because words and experience and music are all parts of the same whole. This Is The Way Of Things – Spotify Soundtrack } ~~~~~~~ You wake up. The sky is blue. The children laugh. You forget to clear the breakfast dishes and the honey …
Uncommon Sense: The heart loves what it loves
“I don’t think I will ever recover. It still hurts. Please tell me it gets better. Tell me I will get over her.” Oh, sweet girl. Come here and sit with me for a minute. Right here, this chair has room for two. Rest your head. Let me wrap you …