to let a poem save you by jeanette leblanc

to let a poem save you

someday you will come across a poem and something about it will speak truth even if you don’t immediately know why take note you will need to keep this poem tucked in your back pocket. so when you find a poem like this -and you’ll know by the chill that …

you are not alone by jeanette leblanc

you are not alone

This past week – hell, this past month – it has been intense. Everyone I’ve talked to says the same. Of the deep sadness and the storm of anger and the descent to the underworld. Of the tears and the anger and the heartbreak and the grief. I don’t know if …

This is the way of things

{Click to listen while you read –  because words and experience and music are all parts of the same whole.  This Is The Way Of Things – Spotify Soundtrack } ~~~~~~~ You wake up.  The sky is blue. The children laugh.  You forget to clear the breakfast dishes and the honey …