take me to the sea

Take me to the wild sea Bring me to where waves mark time where salt meets skin where I greet the depths Take me to the wild sea Take me home back to where I belong. ~~~~ Where do you belong today?  Where would you go if you could?

A crush is all hello….

{Today I went looking for a finished post that would work for Valentine’s day.  I thought I’d find a love poem, or a post written to women on the hard side of heartbreak.  Instead I found this.  Written ages and ages ago, and just waiting for a day like today. …

The Audacity Is In The Living, Not In The Choosing…

“There is no right thing, you know.  And no wrong thing, either.  There is just the thing that you do. And so you do it.  You close your eyes and leap and you try to do it the best you can.  And given how fucked up and crazy and brilliant …

Trust In The Wisdom Of Your Undecided Heart

Trust in your unknowing, love.  Have faith in the space of indecision.  There is wisdom here, just as there is when you are bold and steady and sure.  Take your time here.  Be gentle.  Coax out your truth, and be willing to wait for the answer to come.  It will. …

follow your heart

  this afternoon I am doing nothing but sitting here reading poetry. the muse is resting she has lots to do right now. she simmers and burns and holds things close this is gestation time I understand the birth will come when the words are ready and so I sit …

This is the way of things

{Click to listen while you read –  because words and experience and music are all parts of the same whole.  This Is The Way Of Things – Spotify Soundtrack } ~~~~~~~ You wake up.  The sky is blue. The children laugh.  You forget to clear the breakfast dishes and the honey …

into the wild by jeanette leblanc

Into The Wild

Get up now.  Come on.  On your feet.  Out of the corner.  Don’t look back, there’s nothing behind you but the past.   We’ve got a wild ride ahead. Let’s agree on some ground rules right now.  The rules are that there are no rules.  And that you make all …

Be Unapologetically You.

“There is nothing more beautiful than seeing a person being themselves. Imagine going through your day being unapologetically you.” — Steve Marboli via Tumblr.

Dearest Isabella {a birthday letter}

Dear Isabella, Eleven years ago today I welcomed you into the world.  You were everything I had dreamed. From your birth story: With a rush that was almost anti-climactic her body slid out of mine and my husband and midwife brought her up out of the warm water and onto …